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The Bride and the Wedding Guests Have you ever wondered why the Holy Scriptures declare the following: So those servants went out into the highways, and gathered together all as many as they found, both bad and good: and the wedding was furnished with guests. …For many are called, but few are chosen. Matthew 22:10 […]

IDENTITY Many people today go about their daily lives and they hardly stop to consider how precious identity is and for that matter how it is formed. Without getting too philosophical consider for a moment the “problem of identity”. Let us imagine that you and I have met and we determine that we want to […]

The Two Kingdoms Many churches today and for that matter “charitable trusts” charter their organizations typically in what they perceive to be the only choice available that being an organization founded UNDER the laws of the Secular State. We say secular because clearly when we look around today the State seems to be wholly opposed […]

Restoring the Breach! There are Four powers in the Earth. Religion, Politics, Education, and Finance. What is most despicable, at least to me, is Religion.  Specifically false religion.  For there is only one true religion and that is to teach the right hand and the left hand which is to say visit the Fatherless and […]

Has Government Become God?   Whilst observing the political scene and reflecting on what seems to be bias in the lack of coverage of the only Constitutionalist, Ron Paul… I observed within myself the following thought:“If we could just fix that, everything would be all right”. I notice the different “sides” squaring off over the “loss” […]

Where do Unalienable Rights Come From? In my experience the classical Unalienable Rights come from God, or maybe even whatever mental manifestation the subject forms in his Mind as God. – In the perfect Image and Likeness of God… For God’s purpose in Creating is that there be an experience and regulating Free Will would […]

I feel that Jim and I have ended war, just as Jim declared in late 2014 from the base of the Castle. After 153 years (April 15, 1861) the Trading with the Enemy Act is “Omitted” from the Bankers’ Code – Title 12 USC 95a-95b. When heritage and destiny are coherent there is peace.   […]

The Test Have you considered how subtle the Trust is? Consider the Serpent in the Garden. Adam and Eve had been granted the Use of Property established by God. Notice that God even formed their Body, Soul and Spirit. Therefore God owned the Property. Adam and Eve did not own the Property! The only aspect […]

We the People Have you ever wondered about the words “We the People of the United States”? I know I have. As a boy my civics teacher informed me that I was one of those people. That I was a member of that particular society of Special Interests. What saddened me was the day I […]

Welcome Message from Michael Joseph   Hello, and welcome to Myrtle Tree Solutions. I am Michael Joseph and I would like to thank you for visiting this Website. Myrtle Tree Solutions is dedicated to Education, Health and Spiritual advancement. Concepts such as Law, Equity, Money, Trust and Scripture will all be developed herein this blog […]