You are browsing the archive for 2015 April 01.

The Test Have you considered how subtle the Trust is? Consider the Serpent in the Garden. Adam and Eve had been granted the Use of Property established by God. Notice that God even formed their Body, Soul and Spirit. Therefore God owned the Property. Adam and Eve did not own the Property! The only aspect […]

We the People Have you ever wondered about the words “We the People of the United States”? I know I have. As a boy my civics teacher informed me that I was one of those people. That I was a member of that particular society of Special Interests. What saddened me was the day I […]

Welcome Message from Michael Joseph   Hello, and welcome to Myrtle Tree Solutions. I am Michael Joseph and I would like to thank you for visiting this Website. Myrtle Tree Solutions is dedicated to Education, Health and Spiritual advancement. Concepts such as Law, Equity, Money, Trust and Scripture will all be developed herein this blog […]

Welcome Message from David Merrill Greetings and welcome to this unique website. Michael Joseph and myself are dedicated to the students here receiving a well-rounded education in remedy. My teaching style will be both interactive and instructional meaning that as you sign up to post in the Forums I will be responsive to your posts […]